Garry Meier©
Garry Meier
Ear Buds

Out Of My Mind

Peeing in the shower by the numbers. A survey of 2,000 general population Americans revealed that 12% do so daily while another 12% go number one in the shower a few times a week. In total, 45% of Americans pee in the shower throughout the course of a year. For some it is pure rebellion against societal rules and for others it’s sheer efficiency…I’m over a drain, it’s liquid and down it goes. This stat is quite cringey, the average American only cleans their shower 9 times a year. Let’s see, 12 months a year, 9X, ewwwwww. Most people believe the average shower should only take 13 minutes….not 10, not 15……13. And on top of bathing and peeing it was found that 23% of people think about work in the shower, 27% sing, 19% reflect on the previous day and 15% cry in the shower. Tears, water, soap, and pee is such a beautiful cocktail…..not. About 40% of those surveyed shower with their partner and unless both are on the same peeing page how would you know if the other one is making lemonade? Some people claim tinkling in the shower is just multitasking. No, no, no, multitasking is texting, emailing, and talking on the phone at the same time not making water Miss Daisy while doing a “how’s your father” during the rinse cycle. George Costanza said he has no problem whizzing in the shower because it’s all pipes taking whatever somewhere. Wrong. Sunsets should be golden, opportunities…golden, McDonald’s arches…you know. Showers should not be golden.
Gunga, galunga
Trombone Shorty

SPOILER ALERT: YOU MIGHT BE BISEXUAL. Recently on the Garrforce podcast Leslie and I had a robust discussion about bisexuality. A recent Gallup poll showed that 4.4% of American adults say they are bi. Dr. Jason Hodgson, an evolutionary geneticist at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge in the U.K., spoke recently about his studies on […]

Ever watch that show Jeopardy! Me too. Sometimes when I’m watching it I don’t know why I’m watching it because it makes me feel like an idiot. How do these contestants know some of the stuff they know? I especially feel dumb when the category is where you have to deconstruct words and add letters […]

About The Garry Meier Show

Garry Meier was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in November, 2013. Meier has won five A.I.R. Awards for Best Afternoon Show in Chicago and was awarded the National Radio and Records Award for Best Local Afternoon Talk Show Host in America. His segments have appeared on local and national television including World News Tonight. Garry has also been recognized multiple years by Talkers Magazine as one of the "100 Most Influential Talk Show Hosts in America".

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