Yes, it has been bitterly cold!

February 14th, 2016

Yes, it has been bitterly cold but the good news is we are killing bugs and in essence flipping off the Zika virus. Sad news, Etch A Sketch has been produced or owned by the Ohio Art Co. for more than 50 years but was just sold to a Toronto based toy firm. Ohio Art bought the rights from a French inventor in 1960 for $25,000. Who can forget the hours spent trying to achieve a true right angle on E A S? Yes it has been made in China for the last 15 years, but until now was still owned by an American company. Thank God Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head are still American owned. Speaking of China, an elephant there went ape when a female pachyderm rebuked him for another male. The spurned mammal went berserk and wrecked 15 cars, and you thought you were having a bad Valentine’s Day. The featured bread from my bread machine today will be Anadama.

As Ringo once said, when I said hello to him as I saw him walking down Michigan Ave……”Peace, Love.”

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