The Truth Is Out There

July 6th, 2019

A lot of strange people have walked and continue to walk this planet. I know that statement is not a revelation, it’s just a setup for this entry. Of course “strange people” would encompass a lot of different categories but today I will focus on just one…people who claim they’ve been abducted by aliens, the outer space kind not border wall kind. On October 11, 1973 Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, Jr. were fishing on the Pascagoula River in Mississippi when they claim they saw a 30 foot long object with a little dome on top hovering near them. Three small creatures emerged according to the fishing duo and grabbed them with pincer-type claws and pulled them into the flying machine. While inside the craft the men claimed they were examined by something that looked like a “big eye.” When the checkup was completed they were deposited back to the dark delta where they had started their fishing excursion, physically they were fine except for a puncture wound each had in one arm but mentally they were scrambled according to everyone who talked to them following the encounter. And here’s the bit, they never wavered from their story, both men later took polygraph tests and passed and several other witnesses claimed they saw a UFO that night along the Pascagoula River. Parker reported that when he got home from the sheriff’s department that night he was so afraid that aliens had infected him with something he took a bath in BLEACH! Yowza! Hickson stuck to his story all the way to his death 8 years ago and Parker who is still alive has not wavered from his. Hope he still doesn’t bleach himself. Last month the riverbank where the men said the close encounter happened got a historical marker calling it one of the “best documented” cases of alien abduction. Hope the marker doesn’t show two guys grabbing their ankles with an ET finger in their keisters! Please tell me why aliens would come trillions of miles to look at Goober and Gomer with a “big eyeball?!” AND LEAVE NO EVIDENCE! This again confirms my belief that this whole existence is one big joke. The Creator puts all these planets just close enough so we can see nothing is on them and then beyond our reach Creator puts other life forms that can reach US just to fuck with us and leave absolutely no proof, leaving a handful of people batshit crazy. Very nize! High five me er I mean high pincer-type claw me.

Gunga, Pascagoula,

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