A Herd Of Elephants Gathers Around A Watering Hole

October 27th, 2019

I was watching BBC America the other night and they were doing a feature on some animal populated area in the African wilderness. The cinematography was amazing, how they capture these animals in their natural habitat is quite impressive. The scene was a herd of elephants gathered around a watering hole. The pachyderms lingered around the water for a long time and then a pride of lions showed up hungry and thirsty. Some of the lions lashed out at the elephants but the size and number of elephants intimidated the lions and kept the them at bay……until nighttime. Apparently the eyesight of elephants in the dark is not that great but the vision of lions is much sharper. Most of the the elephants eventually wandered away from the watering hole but one medium size elephant wandered into the lions frame. Game on. About 30 lions chased this animal, some jumping on its back until they could bring it down. I think you know the inevitable conclusion and before that ending I had to turn the channel because I couldn’t watch it anymore even though I know it’s the “law of the jungle” yes “survival of the fittest.” It reminded me of when I watch Shark Tank, I know quite a leap here right? But wait it is the same, the contestants come in to drink from the Shark watering hole and while they try to stick their beak into the Tank waters the Sharks are often waiting to pounce. It is interesting to watch the process of how entrepreneurs think, how much time, money and effort they put into an idea sometimes only to have it ripped to shreds by a Mr. Wonderful. This might be a stretch but here goes. How many times a week do you get something in the mail and there is say a credit card or some other coupon attached to the paper with this thin bead of sticky stuff? Whatever is attached to it pulls right off and it leaves no residue. Somebody invented that, maybe by mistake maybe on purpose but it does serve a purpose and the fact that it doesn’t leave any lingering goo goo is brilliant. Speaking of goo goo, the fact that some labels leave a film is why someone invented Goo Gone. The circle of life. But imagine if the inventor of that adhesive bead went on Shark Tank. “Sharks, it feels and looks like snot and acts like glue but it’s temporary.” Do the Sharks allow him/her into their watering hole or do they feast on his/her carcass?

Gunga, galunga

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