Pedestrian Flotsam and Jetsam

October 3rd, 2020

There has been a gap between blog postings this time around because over the past weeks all the topics that I initially was going to write about would’ve just added to the overall misery that has enveloped us over the past 7 months, and then I stumbled on an article in the New York Times that I thought screams “oh that’s different.” First of all before I get into the meat of that article I’ve frequently thought over the months about what this pandemic would feel like if it had taken place thirty plus years ago when WWW would have referred to a radio station’s call letters only and Zoom might have been the name of an amusement park roller coaster or when FaceTime was actually standing in front of someone and talking three dimensionally. If you think things are shut down now imagine covid with no internet capabilities! “Cry eye” as they say in Wisconsin. The article I am talking about here pinpoints a growing online marketplace of people selling things. No not the pedestrian flotsam and jetsam that is peddled on the web, clothes, furniture, lawn mowers, etc. I’m talking about people’s intimate objects. And this is not necessarily always connected with online sex workers. In fact some sex workers have ditched the sex working on cam altogether and gone exclusively with selling “things.” For example, a Ms. Lain sells her lingerie for $50 to $400. She has also sold her hair clippings, bras, gym socks and stockings. Mz. Kim a college graduate in her 30’s works full time as an online dominatrix and earns $18,000 to $22,000 a month and has sold a pair of socks for $850 and pantyhose for $1500 more than once. Yes people will pay to watch other people eat or to take a picture of their feet. The argument being made for this line of work is “I would have to work many more hours doing a regular job to earn this type of money and I don’t even have to leave home.” Babysit for five hours for a hundred bucks or sell your toothbrush for the same amount? What would you choose? Would you rather dog walk for a living or sell your bath water which requires much less work and you don’t have to pick up doggy chocolates. Right now I only have Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs to sell and they’re all brand new. I am however going to get a haircut soon and maybe…..a polaroid of my clippings? I can just feel my grade school nuns reading this and wanting to beat the sh.t out of me. Hey! maybe a vid of nuns beating the sh.t out me would be worth selling.

Gunga, galunga,

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