This Massive of a Situation Concerning Vaccines

October 3rd, 2021

I believe in the future there will be another addition to how time is measured, we’ll have BC/AD and the additions will be BI/AI, before internet/after internet. I’m glad I’ve lived a good amount of my life BI because much of the shitshow we witness today is ignited by the internet. Before the net the news of the day traveled via newspapers, tv and radio mostly. Ok and whatever the Duncan Yoyo salesmen spread across the country. The information that was disseminated BI was held to pretty high standards of fact. Sure there might have been a “leaning” in a certain way but overall the media tried to just report the facts. When the AI era kicked in it was facts/smacts in most cases. Anyone could write whatever they wanted and present it as “facts” and no one policed any of it. The media feeling this threat of a new information source started to loosen their standards a bit and broadcast things that were not entirely fact checked because they didn’t want to run behind the swiftness of the internet. Which brings us to this massive of a situation concerning vaccines. I have been told like I’m sure you have been told about the horrors of the covid vaccine by people with no knowledge or involvement in the medical field. You see, they all read something on the internet and decided it was true so now they are spokespeople for vaccines. They’ll tell you everything you need to know about vaccines as they ring up your groceries. Or like I witnessed when paying for a haircut and the receptionist went off on vaccine nightmares just because I was wearing a mask. See, the internet is like millions of people putting out their own newspaper or news show everyday and now it’s just a mass volume of sludge rolling downhill. And yet a lot of people like to fish in that sludge and pull out what they think is a real catch of info. Here’s an example of life before the internet. When I was around ten I swam naked at a local public pool as did thousands of other boys around the country. The reason for swimming naked I’ve talked about on my show numerous times and that’s not relevant right now. While I didn’t really suffer any psychological scars from that experience that I know of, if the internet was around at that time I probably would have because someone would have taken pictures and posted them. Although if the internet was around then naked swimming at public pools would’ve lasted a day. Wait, am I glad there was no internet back then or wish there was?

Gunga, galunga

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