Chinese Wisdom

April 25th, 2022
I believe everything gives off energy. You might know it as Feng Shui also known as Chinese geomancy which is the ancient Chinese traditional practice which claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding  environment. Now that spring is here and we are shedding our pandemic skins I thought I’d share some Feng Shui suggestions to really kick things up a notch energy wise. (Keep a pet) Pets are especially good feng shui in homes that are left empty during the day. If the family are out working or at school, yin energy accumulates in the silence and stillness. This can be countered by the lively presence of a dog or cat or fish.  (Replace defective light bulbs immediately) You should never have too bright a light directly overhead, either in the office or the bedroom, since this may cause health problems.  It is a bad omen if a bulb blows in the office or bedroom whilst you are there. If the bulb is replaced immediately, all will be well. Have some spare bulbs handy for such an eventuality. (Avoid three in a picture) It is believed in feng shui that three people in a picture can lead to separation unless they are closely related. Three friends in one picture means that the one in the middle will be separated from the two at either side.  This taboo does not apply to family portraits. Now this one is very interesting if you saw the picture recently of Bob Saget, Louie Anderson and Gilbert Gottfried together. (Always say no to the last piece) If you take the last piece of food on the plate or the last portion of cake, or clean up leftover morsels at the end of the meal, you are supposedly creating poverty energies.  Resist that last mouthful.  Hey how about some Chinese proverbs. Here we go: 1.  Your children are like your fingers; all similar, but no two alike. 2. One good teacher outweighs a ton of books. 3. Good advice like good medicine, is hard to swallow. 4. Hire a young carpenter but consult an old physician.  5. The shrewd rabbit digs three holes. 6. He who rides the tiger finds it difficult to dismount.
Yes, the Chinese probably did give us the virus but they sure have a lot of wisdom to share. It is definitely the Yin and Yang of life.
Gunga, galunga


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