Dalai Hootchie Mama

April 11th, 2023

We used to be knee deep in bullshit but now I think we’ve gone neck deep. Are you aware of this story about the Dalai Lama? In February at a public event a kid approached D L to hug him. That hug turned into a kiss on the lips, but wait there’s more. Video has surfaced showing Mr. Lama sticking his tongue out at the child and asking him to suck his tongue. Why it took this long for the video to come out I don’t know but the Dalai’s tongue coming out is very creepy. Get this, there is spin following the incident that in the Tibetan culture sticking one’s tongue out is a sign of respect or agreement. Funny how doing things swings wildly in interpretation depending on where you live. Such as in the UK the word c..t is not as impactful as it is here, the Brits throw it around like “hello.” In Japan extending the middle finger is saying “you’re number 1.” Ok I made that up but this Tibetan dealio with the tongue is a doozy. “Hey, I respect you and agree with you and look at my tongue to confirm that.” Even if we accept that tradition where does the “suck my tongue” part come in? First of all in the vid Dalai pulls the kid in and plants one on the kid’s lips, breaks the embrace, stares at the kid for a moment, presents his tongue and asks for some sucking. Wow! Not something you want to see after many years of watching priests do the perp walk, or is the the perv walk, for molesting kids. Rightly so there is outcry for the Dalai Lama to call it quits. It is weird to watch people caught red handed try to squirm their way out even when captured on tape. Although I read where actress Margot Robbie is concerned that with technology being what it is today she wouldn’t be surprised to see her face on someone else’s body doing who knows what that will live on the internet for centuries. That’s not the issue here, that is the Dalai Lama, that is his tongue, that is him asking a kid to suck it. Hey Lama in this country the proper thing to do is ask a kid to pull your finger and you can either pretend to break wind or actually break wind. We have the cultural high ground here.
Gunga, galunga

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