Furnaces vs. TikTok
January 26th, 2025I no doubt will come off as a Luddite….again but here goes. Recently when TikTok was pulled down for several hours I heard many people lost their crap. Really?! Yes I do watch vids on the Tok that I might seek out or sent to me by listeners but when it vanished for those hours I needed to make zero adjustment. For those people who were freaked out by T squared going dark there appears to be an official term for the condition called “crashing out.” I first learned of crashing out from Garrforce Wisconsin reporter Ryan when he told his 9 year old son Hank that he would not have access to his electronic devices for a week because of a parent/child infraction. Not long into the punishment Hank stated that he was crashing out due to the withdrawal. To crash out is defined as: losing complete control, to go insane, and/or to do something stupid. However, when he realized the suspension of all things electronic was being enforced he started to discover other forms of entertainment, and as primitive as he thought they might be he started to enjoy working on puzzles and other 20th century forms of amusement which included actual conversation with his parents. Now, TikTokgate didn’t last long enough for people to “go insane”…..thank you Jesus. Around the same time as losing access to cat videos and other flotsam and jetsam my furnace conked out and it would be 4 days before the guy could come and repair it. When the temperature is in the teens and you have no furnace THAT is worth going insane about. I really grew to appreciate whomever invented the furnace and its first cousin the space heater. If your furnace fashizzles you want/need multiple space heaters to fill in. Whoever invented the space heater I love you. Several years ago my Mr. Coffee died and I did go through some withdrawal for a few days until I could get a new one. Furnaces, space heaters, coffee makers, heated car seats, and Gorilla tape are things to embrace and flip out about if they went away not videos of people getting hurt doing stupid stuff although I must admit I do enjoy those videos but would not crash out if they disappeared. That’s Mr. Luddite to you.
Gunga, galunga
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