Hello summer!

May 30th, 2023

June is here. I’m going to tell June the same thing I said to Don Knotts when he was on my show, “please loosen your pants because for the next several minutes I’m going to stroke the bejeezus out of you.” The month of June is loaded with fizz, good fizz, great fizz as a matter of fact. How can you not love this month? This is the month we remember as kids when school was done for the semester for 3 whole months, with the most daylight of the year, lightning bugs, b-b-q, watermelon, corn on the cob, etc. My ritual in the morning now includes walking our dog Flynn, feeding him, putting the coffee pot on and grabbing two episodes of Leave It to Beaver. After a double Beaver I head out to the back porch to enjoy the remainder of my Roast2Order coffee I didn’t finish during the Beav. Love staring at all the green, the smell of someone cutting their lawn, a train horn in the distance….2 long-1 short-1 long blasts. I wish there was a way I could liquify June, put it in a syringe and shoot it right into my veins. I want to be addicted to this month, I AM addicted to this month. I don’t want it to end. I will eat al fresco every day until November and beyond if the weather lasts and I don’t care how hot it might get. Even if it’s 90+ degrees I will eat hot soup outside. In fact my radio name was once Al Fresco! So June, do what you will with me, I will lie back and take all you have. I will avoid all those stores that start rolling out Christmas displays in the next month and please if you see me on the street after June 21st DO NOT come up to me and say the daylight is shrinking. I will cover my ears and “la la la la la la la la”……I won’t hear you.
Now excuse me…where’s my bourbon? Happy summer everyone.
Gunga, galunga

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