Man Was A Mistake

August 24th, 2022

Man as a mistake. Humans shouldn’t even be here. Author Arthur Koestler states that “Homo sapiens is a biological freak, the result of some remarkable mistake in the evolutionary process.”  I’m inclined to go with that at this point. The Earth has been around for 4.5 billion years, Bones of primitive Homo sapiens first appear 300,000 years ago.  So this planet was spinning just fine way before we crawled out of a swamp and walked upright or whatever led to human beings. The Earth has been generating earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes etc. just as part of its day. The fact that we are in the path and suffer because of all these “catastrophes” is of no concern to the Earth and universe in general. Droughts and fires, fughetaboutit, it is just another day in the life of the planet. These are only problems because humans have to deal with them.  The planet is just doing its thing and because we somehow landed here that’s our problem.  Heatwaves, Mother Earth doesn’t give a shit, dwindling resources, too bad so sad for Mr. and Mrs. Homo sapien.  It’s not like the globe needs a human to turn the key everyday to start it up. It’s been up and running fine for over 4 billion years before we got our opposing thumbs.  Hey gang, we’re just renters with no idea why we are actually here all by ourselves as the Webb telescope is showing us everyday.  Let’s go with the concept that there is no other life out there and we’re the one off as further evidenced that no other planet has any life because THEY’RE UNINHABITABLE. So while we are here let’s just enjoy the fact that we won some weirdo lottery that we shouldn’t have even been able to play.  We have to play by Mother Nature’s rules, we can’t build houses near bodies of water and then say “wha happen” when the house floats away because the water is doing what it does and reclaiming areas that it had owned previously before we pushed some dirt into it.  We are renters here, the Earth doesn’t have a hard on for us, it is just going about its day and if you get in the way of its business, well, just grab a frozen Snickers bar and relax because there’s not much we can do about it.  Me, I’m going to have some Roast 2 Order coffee now and resume my happy idiot position.

Gunga, galunga

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