When Did Things Go Wrong?

November 28th, 2020

What was the moment when everything that followed said event was never quite right? There is a theory that things have been witchy ever since JFK was assassinated in 1963 so let’s start there. Have things never really been “normal” since that day in Dallas? Or was it the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.? Was it the Vietnam War? Was it Watergate? John Lennon’s murder? Did life not really realign properly after we went through these dealios? Now I think things have been whacko since that solar eclipse several years ago. Ever since the moon made the sun its be-otch everything seems to be a bit off and the pandemic is just the tally for decades of weirdness. Here’s what really worries me. In a few weeks something is going to happen that hasn’t happened for 800 years! Jupiter and Saturn, the solar system’s two largest planets, will become so close to each other that visibly they will look like they are on top of each other. “Eww papa what’s your favorite position?” “Oh, go all planetary conjunction on me!” This will happen on December 21st, just a great way to kick off winter. I hate when outer space goes rogue because it has the feel that the universe is dicking with us and there’s nothing we can do about it. I think about when this happened back in the Middle Ages and people probably figured “hey I hope it is the end of the world because my life is crap anyway and life expectancy is about 32 years.” My moment when nothing seemed to be quite the same afterward? When I was in New York City a few years ago and unknowingly sat on a Hershey Bar when I got in a cab and then my mother-in-law was nice enough to take me over to a picnic bench and proceeded to rub the chocolate residue off the back of my pants while people looked on as if we were escapees from a mental hospital. As they say “everything happens for a reason.” And my response is…..”bullsh.t.”

Gunga galunga,

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