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GarrForce Premium Episode 11-14-17

Facebook is asking people to send in their nudes. They say it’s in an effort to use their AI to scan for unauthorized pictures to make sure they are not posted publicly. Meanwhile, a woman who was photographed flipping off President Trump’s motorcade was fired for violating the company’s social media police, and that’s where it get’s weird. Plus, Garry has a possible solution to the nation’s epidemic of drive-thru crimes.

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November 14th, 2017

GarrForce Premium Episode 11-9-17

Garry has noticed a thread connecting all news stories involving pyrotechnics gone wrong. Meanwhile, a flight attendant is celebrating sixty years on the job, flying the friendly skies. Plus, an entrepreneur has come up with an adorable new job for the world’s goats.

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November 9th, 2017

GarrForce Premium Episode 11-7-17

More evidence has surfaced that there should be some sort of paperwork process for becoming a parent. Meanwhile, a boss left his employees the ultimate farewell letter when he just couldn’t the job and his employees anymore. Plus, a seven year old managed to sneak past security and onto an airplane at an airport in Switzerland.

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November 7th, 2017

GarrForce Premium Episode 11-2-17

The rise of legal marijuana has led to a whole new type of stories of un-wanted Halloween treats. Meanwhile, a woman on a flight in Greece got an amazing surprise when she showed up at the airport. Plus, a South African man decided to recreate the movie “Up.”

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November 2nd, 2017

GarrForce Premium Episode 10-31-17

Teenagers in New Jersey dressed up as bushes to scare passersby. They say they were trying to be funny, but now they could face charges. Meanwhile, Burger King is celebrating Halloween by expertly trolling McDonalds. Plus, a California man made an unscheduled late night stop at his local Goodwill store.

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October 31st, 2017

GarrForce Premium Episode 10-26-17

A listener shares what may be the ultimate example of the “Name Theory.” Meanwhile, we have once again entered “Ill-Advised Halloween Decorations” Season. Plus, if you’re looking to downsize, Amazon can help you get buy a tiny house, although you probably can’t get it delivered by a drone.

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October 26th, 2017

GarrForce Premium Episode 10-24-17

A Cub Scout in Colorado was kicked out of his den for asking a question to an elected official that was a little too tough. Meanwhile, students at one school in Pennsylvania decided it was a good idea to carve pumpkins with hateful symbols and get their pictures taken with them. Plus, there seems to be an alarming decrease in the number of insets out there.

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October 24th, 2017
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