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GarrForce Premium Episode 6-1-17

All of a sudden there seems to be an epidemic of news stories about people falling off of cliffs. Meanwhile, a church in Germany has taken a step into the future with a robotic pastor. Plus, a woman found herself in a court battle with NASA over a bag that once found its way to the Moon and back.

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June 1st, 2017

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-30-17

A mom decided putting her kids in the trunk of her car was a better idea than finding a babysitter. Meanwhile, the effort to have elaborate “Promposals” ended up leading to the destruction of a rock formation in a public park. Plus, a wedding proposal almost ended very badly.

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May 30th, 2017

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-25-17

Garry has a tip for dealing with a common medical problem we have all had to deal with. Meanwhile, there is more evidence that no one intervenes when something bad happens, they just record it on their cell phones. Plus, an unfortunately named company in Delaware had a very ironic problem this week.

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May 25th, 2017

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-23-17

A lost cat was returned to its owner after it was found 1500 miles away from it home. Meanwhile, after video of a young girl being dragged under water by a seal went viral, Garry is more convinced than ever that there needs to be some kind of test to become a parent. Plus, a man decided or tornado was the most romantic scene he could think of to propose to his girlfriend.

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May 23rd, 2017

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-18-17

Fired FBI Director James Comey got a special delivery from a neighbor to help lift his spirits. Meanwhile, the stroller has become an instrument of contention at the Happiest Place On Earth. Plus, a woman turned her canceled wedding into something positive.

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May 18th, 2017

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-16-17

A listener has come up with a way Garry might be able to successfully climb Mount Everest. Meanwhile, the hunt is still on for the man who decided to get his picture taken naked and humping a dead shark. Plus, the most magical place on Earth is suffering from some security problems.
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May 16th, 2017

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-11-17

The rash of idiots jumping into animal enclosures at zoos continues out of control. Meanwhile, drunks are getting extremely elaborate with the inebriated behavior. Plus, a beloved mascot in Canada has been retired after a long and productive career.

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May 11th, 2017
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