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GarrForce Premium Episode 11-22-22

Garry has come up with some creative potential uses for the Doof Wagon. Meanwhile, a woman in Canada found a picture of herself in a thrift store. Plus, young people in China aren’t fond of the idea of working in factories anymore.

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November 22nd, 2022

GarrForce Premium Episode 11-17-22

Despite the fact that it’s still not Thanksgiving yet, some networks have begun their rotation of Christmas movies. Meanwhile, Garry is wondering what happened to all of the weeping icons. Plus, a meal prep service is taking some heat for using monkey slave labor.

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November 17th, 2022

GarrForce Premium Episode 11-15-22

Garry saw someone completely misusing the carpet at the airport while he was traveling over the weekend. Meanwhile, Tesla and Zoom are teaming up to give you another way to be distracted while you’re driving. Plus, the man who had lived inside the Paris airport for years and inspired Steven Spielberg’s 2004 film “The Terminal”, died Saturday at the same airport.

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November 15th, 2022

GarrForce Premium Episode 11-10-22

The election is over, so the yard signs should be gone. As a matter of fact, they should be gone permanently. Meanwhile, Garry had an encounter with a gas station employee that was either helpful or dishonest. Plus, it turns out billionaires aren’t doing much to help the environment.

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November 10th, 2022

GarrForce Premium Episode 11-8-22

A Maryland man said running late and needing to buy Halloween candy led him to visit a store he otherwise wouldn’t have gone to — and he won a $1 million Powerball prize. Meanwhile, A new online “profession” is making news headlines in Brazil. Attractive women will attempt to seduce clients’ husbands and then provide proof of their faithfulness. Plus, a class of high school students in Texas will have to retake their SAT tests after they flew away.

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November 8th, 2022

GarrForce Premium Episode 11-3-22

This might be the last weekend we all have to set our clocks back, and it’s not a moment too soon. Meanwhile, a man in China decided to keep his lotto win secret from his own family. Plus, the protesters who keep throwing things at works of art are threatening to ratchet things up.

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November 3rd, 2022

GarrForce Premium Episode 11-1-22

Garry and Leslie talked about the Halloween stampede in South Korea. Meanwhile, a new survey suggests people think a lot of their pets and not very much of their fellow humans. Plus, we can look forward to a potentially hazardous asteroid next month.

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November 1st, 2022
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