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GarrForce Premium Episode 10-22-20

A Florida man was arrested for stealing $1000 worth of merchandise by hiding a Kool Aid packet in his hand at the self-check out. Meanwhile, the ex-wife of Phil Collins has taken over his house with armed guards. Plus, there’s an unexpected problem with Teslas

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October 22nd, 2020

GarrForce Premium Episode 10-20-20

A high school in Florida went on lockdown after a man with a gun was sighted in the area. He turned out to be hunting iguanas. Meanwhile, a New Jersey woman caught a bear stealing a pumpkin from her front porch. Plus, there’s a new fight over the wreck of the Titanic.

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October 20th, 2020

GarrForce Premium Episode 10-15-20

It turns out the industry of selling things like bath water is a lot more lucrative than you may have thought. Meanwhile, a Canadian tourist thinks the artifacts she stole from Pompeii are cursed. Plus, a marketing gimmick at Kraft has generated some controversy.

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October 15th, 2020

GarrForce Premium Episode 10-13-20

The movie Twister is making the rounds on cable again, which is always entertaining, even if it’s not quite the way the cast and crew intended. Meanwhile, a man who was attacked by a bear seems to have the right attitude about it. Plus, a drone opperator in Australia caught a close encounter between a shark and a surfer.

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October 13th, 2020

GarrForce Premium Episode 10-8-20

New evidence has suggested that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg might have a problem with breasts. Meanwhile, the debate over time travel continues. Plus, a library employee stole an amazing amount of printer toner from the office.

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October 8th, 2020

GarrForce Premium Episode 10-6-20

A listener takes Garry to task for his criticism of kayaking. Meanwhile, according to a new survey, over half of pet owners would break up with their significant other if their pets did not like them. Plus, two college students are hospitalized after they fell ooffof a roof while trying to take selfies.

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October 6th, 2020

GarrForce Premium Episode 10-1-20

Garry has noticed a pattern of words that people are unfamiliar with. When it comes to living spaces, how much square footage is too much? Plus, police in California responded to a very unexpected sight on a beach.

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October 1st, 2020
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