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GarrForce Premium Episode 7-18-19

A man set a record by sitting on a toilet for five straight days, but Garry questions the validity of the record. Meanwhile, shark attack season is definitely in full swing. Plus, tips for dealing with the excessive heat.

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July 18th, 2019

GarrForce Premium Episode 7-16-19

A man who had a few too many tasty beverages tried to convince his neighbors he was a time-traveler from the future. Meanwhile, Garry has an idea to make radio exciting again. Plus, James Holzhauer may be responsible for the current weirdness in the world.

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July 16th, 2019

GarrForce Premium Episode 7-11-19

A man survived going over Niagara Falls, and he did not even have a barrel with him. Meanwhile, there are more duffel bags of cash showing up in random places. Plus, more proof that we need more paperwork to become parents.

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July 11th, 2019

GarrForce Premium Episode 7-9-19

TV coverage of the California earthquake is extremely entertaining now that we know they made it through OK. Meanwhile, as you might imagine there have been some problems with the Running with the Bulls in Spain. Plus, a family may have gone a little overboard when they found a bug in their house.

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July 9th, 2019

GarrForce Premium Episode 7-4-19

Summer is finally in full swing, but some places of business need to get their act together when it comes to their thermostat. Meanwhile, a man has gotten creative to protest his town’s slow handling of a pothole in his neighborhood. Plus, a town in Mississippi has put up a historical marker for an unexpected event.

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July 4th, 2019

GarrForce Premium Episode 7-4-19

Summer is finally in full swing, but some places of business need to get their act together when it comes to their thermostat. Meanwhile, a man has gotten creative to protest his town’s slow handling of a pothole in his neighborhood. Plus, a town in Mississippi has put up a historical marker for an unexpected event.

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July 4th, 2019

GarrForce Premium Episode 7-2-19

The cold war between Garry and Mark Zuckerberg seems to be continuing. Meanwhile, if you live in Florida it’s probably baked in that there will be alligators around you. Plus, when you go to the doctor, it seems pretty likely that something about you will be memorable.

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July 2nd, 2019
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