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GarrForce Premium Episode 1-3-19

A pizza company might be the first to make use of Garry’s new memo pad of pre-written corporate apologies. Meanwhile, it’s always a good idea to take a close look at things washing up on the beach in Florida. Plus, a man shot his wife’s laptop after a dispute over music.

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January 3rd, 2019

GarrForce Premium Episode 1-1-19

Happy New Year! A man in Japan is marrying a hologram, and things just get more strange from there when it comes to romance in the new year. Meanwhile, despite past failures organizers are planning a 50th anniversary celebration at Woodstock. Plus, Garry wonders what our pets would tell us if they could speak.

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January 1st, 2019

GarrForce Premium Episode 12-27-18

Most people are just writing off this whole week because of the holidays, but there’s one person still hard at work. Meanwhile, a shoplifter got very creative at his local Wal-Mart. Plus, more evidence that it is not a good idea to share nude pictures of yourself.

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December 27th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 12-25-18

Merry Christmas! Garry checks in with John Doolin, the marketing director for at Bettenhausen Automotive. Meanwhile, even criminals seem to be getting into the holiday spirit. Plus, it’s never a good idea to have your child hug a random person.

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December 25th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 12-20-18

It turns out the pooping unicorn toy is not a unique idea for this holiday season. Meanwhile, the canceled head transplant in Russia brings up a lot of interesting questions. Plus, some people respond to sightings of unidentified creatures by shooting them.

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December 20th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 12-18-18

A person found products for sale at a Prada store in New York that may or may not be racist. Meanwhile, the hottest toy of the Christmas season has a surprising feature. Plus, Garry wonders how you react when you see grown men who are a little too excited about the holiday season.

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December 18th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 12-13-18

If you’d like to stay in the house from A Christmas Story, you can now, but it will cost you. Meanwhile, a 600 pound criminal is too heavy to go to jail. Plus, police are searching for a criminal who hid a footlong sandwich in his pants.

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December 13th, 2018
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