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GarrForce Premium Episode 9-27-18

There has been a disturbing increase in the number of stories involving naked men in recent weeks. Meanwhile, airplane foot room might be the only bipartisan issue left in Washington. Plus, a whistleblower learned that some whistles should go un-blown.

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September 27th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 9-25-18

A man was arrested at a Pennsylvania fair for using a dog leash to walk his wife, who has late-stage dementia. Meanwhile, a man stopped to help a stranded motorist and it turned out to be a hitman sent to kill him. Plus, a school bus driver learned the hard way that her job is only meant for professionals.

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September 25th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 9-20-18

A Virginia man won the lottery because it was raining and he could not mow his lawn. Meanwhile, a New Jersey man was spotted shaving on a commuter train. Plus, more evidence that you can learn how to do anything just by watching videos on YouTube.

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September 20th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 9-18-18

We like to think we live in an advanced society, but Garry has just learned that something disturbing is completely legal in 44 states. Meanwhile, a German bodybuilder tested the limits of an “All You Can Eat” promotion. Plus, Europe may soon be a better place to spend the winter.

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September 18th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 9-13-18

Stores seem to be rushing into Halloween season a little early, but be careful when you’re choosing your costume. Meanwhile, a pair of thieves in California stole a woman’s lawn. Plus, a couple thinks that a mountain lion may or may not have broken into their home, but can’t be sure.

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September 13th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 9-11-18

Garry talks about the anniversary of the 9/11 attack. Meanwhile, a woman in England believes Google Street View captured an image of a ghost in a picture of her former apartment. Plus, a heartwarming story about police officers.

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September 11th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 9-6-18

A listener suggests a possible solution to all of the stories of lottery winners spending their winnings in ill-advised ways. Meanwhile, a woman in South Carolina came up with a unique way of poisoning her husband. Plus, someone has invented a gun that fires water bullets.

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September 6th, 2018
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