Zero Joy In Politics
Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without”on this page. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance! I don’t do politics because I find zero joy in […]
July 29th, 2019One Man’s Ceiling is Another Man’s Floor
Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without”on this page. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance! You ever watch those HGTV shows where they’re moving real […]
July 18th, 2019The Truth Is Out There
A lot of strange people have walked and continue to walk this planet. I know that statement is not a revelation, it’s just a setup for this entry. Of course “strange people” would encompass a lot of different categories but today I will focus on just one…people who claim they’ve been abducted by aliens, the […]
July 6th, 2019Thank You
I’d like to share a pleasant experience with you. Last week I filled in on the morning show on WLS-AM in Chicago. The regular host, Mancow, was on vacation and asked if I’d like to strap on the 50,000 watt blower for five days. I was thrilled to be asked because flapping my soup coolers […]
June 30th, 2019Five Years Ago
Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without” on this page. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Thank you in advance! Five years ago I was the afternoon host on radio station WGN-AM in Chicago. One day the general manager called me into his […]
June 19th, 2019