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Episode 738 – Tech Reporter Dan Fedor

A listener shared a way for Quentin Tarantino to fix 2020. Meanwhile, people are still trying to figure out the mystery of the Cookie Monster mural in a town in Illinois. Plus, Tech Reporter Dan Fedor joined Garry to share tech news for the holidays and the start of 2021.

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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December 21st, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

GarrForce Live Cocktail Hour 12-18-20

Listener Matt checked in from Kenosha and talked with Garry about what the COVID outbreak has been like for him and his family. Meanwhile, a Connecticut woman has been arrested after authorities found three dead animals in her home and seized more than two dozen cats along with dogs, squirrels and an owl. Plus, Producer Keith’s wife Misty showed off some of her artwork.

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December 18th, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

Episode 736 – Don’t Donate Your Toddler At Goodwill

A Minnesota man got an unbelievable letter from one of his neighbors criticizing his Christmas decorations. Meanwhile, people seem to be getting more adventurous in their Christmas decorations and it’s creating some problems. Plus, a woman in Australia learned the hard way you shouldn’t climb over baracades to take a selfie.

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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December 16th, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

Episode 735 – Grab Your Coin Purse

A listener shared more details on the Kum & Go gas station franchise. Meanwhile, there is some on-going controversy regarding Vera Ellen’s waist line. Plus, a twelve year old kid took their parent’s car on a five state joy ride along with their seven year old cousin.

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me [garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com](mailto:garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com) or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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December 14th, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

GarrForce Live Cocktail Hour 12-11-20

Garry and Leslie have some beefs with The Great Christmas Light Fight now that it’s back for the Christmas season. Plus, Garry met Paul Morin, who talked about the wearable personal air purifier that he has developed.

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