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Episode 470 – The McRobots Are Taking Over

A lottery winner accidentally tossed his winning ticket before realizing his mistake. Meanwhile, robbing a Victoria’s Secret store could have potential benefits over other stores. Plus, lighting a baseball field on fire is not a good way to dry it out after rain.

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Episode 469 – RIP Harambe

Elon Musk is taking another break from getting cars ready to make a song about a subject near and dear to Garry’s heart. Meanwhile, two men in New Jersey decided it would be a good prank to set their friend on fire. Plus, Garry gets an update from Jerry Eisner, a listener who had gone public trying to find a kidney donor for his wife.

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Episode 468 – Going Through Your Drawers

Chicago has a new Mayor, and it would make the former Mayor Daley’s head explode. Meanwhile, sometimes it’s a better idea to just admit when you do something wrong rather than trying to concoct an explanation. Plus, twins learned the hard way it doesn’t pay to pose as each other.

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Episode 467 – Face Licker On The Loose

A home owner made a disturbing discovery after they had an open house. A man found a novel way to express his frustration with the bagger at his local grocery store. Plus, a woman in New York learned the hard way you should always lock your door at night.

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Episode 465 – Frozen Body Security Deposit

Global warming has had an unexpected effect on mountain climbers on Mount Everest. Meanwhile, a drunk driver in South Carolina turned to a creative method to mask the alcohol on his breath when he was pulled over. Plus, a man was rewarded by his neighbors for helping out with a winter-related problem.

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Episode 464 – The Florida Man Game

Garry reacts to new video of the Flying Wallendas doing something other than flying. Meanwhile, at least one medical professional seems to have adopted Garry’s idea of pumping pot smoke into nursing homes. Plus, a lottery winner had a unique source for his numbers.

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