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Episode 428 – Potty-Mouth Puppets

Garry weighs in on the controversy surrounding Grover’s potential potty mouth. Meanwhile, people are using Scarlett Johansson’s likeness for especially creepy unauthorized content. Plus, a news story provides the side benefit of giving a new option for what you can do to dispose of your Christmas Tree.

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Episode 427 – At Midnight Stab Your TV With A Fork

After the success of Poopsie the Unicorn, there may be one thing that might be making a comeback in 2019: The Squatty Potty. Meanwhile, if a crime is committed in your home, you should call the police and not your relatives to help out. Plus, a man learned the hard way that a blowdryer can have a negative effect on a mattress.

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Episode 423 – How Many Whale Penises Fit In A Trunk?

If the government shuts down over Christmas, it could lead to an unforeseen complication for the holiday. Meanwhile, a man learned telling a police officer what’s in your trunk is “none of their business” is not effective. Plus, having a tiny house is something else that can lead to unforeseen complications.

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Episode 422 – Jeopardy Etiquette

Once again, the Light Fight competition needs to throw a little something to the losing contestants. Meanwhile, it turns out the pooping unicorn toy isn’t the only hot potty-themed toy this Christmas. Plus, there are things that should definitely not be DIY projects, and a parachute is one of them.

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