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Episode 379 – Walk Away And Count To Ten

Dominos Pizza in Russia learned that hard way that the draw of free pizzas is far stronger than one would think. Meanwhile, a Florida man had the shortest and most spectacularly disastrous employment stint of all time. Plus, a school resource officer in Ohio is taking some heat for coming up with a creative use for a taser.

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Episode 377 – Ranking The Nations Rest Stops

Garry made a trip to New York and saw some things our tax dollars paid for that we should all be pretty happy with. Meanwhile, a school official in China is in hot water for bringing in unique performance artists for the first day of school. Plus, a school system is giving out kits to help in the event of a shooting.

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Episode 374 – Naming Rights For Sale

Garry worries that the folks at Family Feud could be heading for a confrontation with the FCC. Meanwhile, a town in Florida has decided to change their name to possibly make a little extra money. Plus, a Russian outfit is offering women a disturbing finger nail option.

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