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Episode 330 – Tech Expert Dan Fedor

Still more stories of Starbucks-related shenanigans are surfacing in the news. Meanwhile, there’s also more evidence that animals want to help us and make our lives better. Plus, technology guru Dan Fedor from Nauto joins Garry to share some tech news and gadgets that will make spring a little more exciting.

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Episode 329 – Every Pot Has A Lid

In addition to proms and carnival mishaps, it’s the time of year when we hear about all of the houses of squalor. Meanwhile, it’s always critical to double check the spelling of your tattoo before they begin inking you up. Plus, the subway system in Toronto has a problem with crabs.

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Episode 328 – Exchanging Tongues At The Fire Station

A child was once again stuck in a claw machine after chasing after a prize, and Garry thinks it could make for a compelling episode of a procedural drama. Meanwhile, a Canadian zoo is reportedly in trouble after taking one of its bears out for an ice cream trip. Plus, the right way and the wrong way to deal with animals who find themselves in the wrong place.

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Episode 327 – Riding The Lottery Ticket Of Life

A man in India decided it was a good idea to try to take a selfie with a bear. It ended in the way you probably think it did. Meanwhile, Garry once again finds himself in the crosshairs of the Facebook Boob Police. Plus, a department store has run into some problems after their manager threw some people out of the store.

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Episode 326 – Heart-Shaped Boobs

A new internet craze is sweeping the web and it sees women holding their breasts in the shape of heart and posting pictures of it online. Meanwhile, an Indiana man called 911 to report a dead body in his bath tub, and he provides more proof of the Name Theory. Plus, a man in India died while watching the latest Avengers movie.

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Episode 325 – Watching Twister and Die Hard 2

Once again more evidence has surfaced to suggest that winning the lottery might not result in a happy ending for you. Meanwhile, Garry’s plans for scheduled “Mall Brawls” are beginning to become a little more detailed. Plus, a man who donated his truck to a charity got an amazing bill in the mail later on.

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Episode 324 – How Many Times Does Your Trunk Fly Open?

The two men who were arrested for loitering in a Starbucks in Philadelphia have come up with a good use for some of their settlement money. If you happen to see money falling from the sky, it’s probably not a gift from heaven and you probably won’t get to keep it. Plus, an epic mall brawl for the ages.

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May 4th, 2018 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast
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