GarrForce Episode 1395 – West Coast Traveling
Garry discusses his recent trip to LA.
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Garry discusses his recent trip to LA.
Garry talks with Larry Schechter about the history of fantasy sports.
The Garry Meier Show Cocktail Hour LIVE goes wheels-up on Friday, March 14, 2025 at 6 p.m. Eastern/5 Central. Yappetizers and nonsense will be served up as per usual. The show streams live on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel. Please subscribe! It’s free! Once there and subscribed, click the bell icon to be notified when the show is LIVE! All past editions of the show are there too, and you can replay any of them at your convenience. The GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel is also the only place you can share comments that we may see in our virtual studio, and it is the only place you can play along for Leslie’s giveaway. Comments shared while we are live streaming may be shown on the screen and/or we may talk about them. You can always text or leave voicemail at: 1.773.888.2157 (regular charges apply).
The Garry Meier Show Cocktail Hour LIVE goes wheels-up on Friday, March 14, 2025 at 6 p.m. Eastern/5 Central. Yappetizers and nonsense will be served up as per usual. The show streams live on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel. Please subscribe! It’s free! Once there and subscribed, click the bell icon to be notified when the show is LIVE! All past editions of the show are there too, and you can replay any of them at your convenience.
Garry discusses the missing person in the Dominican Republic. Plus, man in Florida is under arrest for attacking a man with a Pringles can.
Garry discusses the effects of the time change on pets and how close a guy’s new wife and ex-wife are. Plus, NPR is publishing a newsletter to help people adjust to the time change.
The first Garry Meier Show Cocktail Hour LIVE of meteorological spring goes wheels-up on Friday, March 7, 2025 at 6 p.m. Eastern/5 Central. Yappetizers and nonsense will be served up as per usual. The show streams live on the GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel. Please subscribe! It’s free and can be found at “ / garrforcelive ” Once there and subscribed, click the bell icon to be notified when the show is LIVE! All past editions of the show are there too, and you can replay any of them at your convenience. The GarrForceLIVE YouTube channel is also the only place you can share comments that we may see in our virtual studio, and it is the only place you can play along for Leslie’s giveaway. Comments shared while we are live streaming may be shown on the screen and/or we may talk about them. You can always text or leave voicemail at: 1.773.888.2157 (regular charges apply).