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Episode 274 – My Tongue Is Lazy And Frozen

The city of Chicago is cracking down on homeless people, which brings Garry back to his plan of using them for security jobs. Meanwhile, another eclipse is on the way after the world struggled to recover from the eclipse last year. Plus, an airline passenger fed up with delays climbed out onto the wing in protest.

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Episode 273 – Breaking Through The Post-Holiday Funk

A Brooklyn mother was shocked when she picked her son up from his school and both of the 6-year-old student’s arms were broken. Meanwhile, the TV are resorting to some pretty lame stunts to try and hook viewers after the holidays. Plus, a man in China paid $11,000 to buy a new car, all in coins.

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Episode 272 – Handing Out The Last Rose

New Years broadcasts were predictably embarrassing, no matter which network you decided to watch. Meanwhile, there was been a rash of birds finding their way into places you definitely do not want them to be. Plus, a homeless person came to the rescue in a house fire in Las Vegas.

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Episode 271 – We’ve Got A Great Year For You

A family received an angry note from a neighbor because they decided not to decorate their house for Christmas and Garry had his own similar experience. Meanwhile, a man upset with employees at a local fast food restaurant decided pulling a gun on staffers would improve service. Plus, there is already some disagreement between the British Royal Family and their newest addition.

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Episode 270 – New Years Fisticuffs

Garry has an idea for a New Years Eve countdown special that might actually be worth watching. Meanwhile, some people in New York woke up on Christmas Eve to find a giant four story threat to their manhood on a nearby building. Plus, teens in Ohio are being charged for throwing a sandbag off of an overpass that killed a driver.

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GarrForce Premium Episode 12-28-17

Garry has decided he has had enough of people who “accidentally” forget they have loaded weapons through the security line at airports. Meanwhile, a Russian man who was a little too focused on a video game ended up dying from a cut he didn’t even know he had. Plus, Darryl Strawberry says that he found unique ways to pass the time during games when he was a player.

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Episode 269 – T’ain’t Season Rolls On

New rules suggest the city of Chicago is not embracing Garry’s suggested rule of allowing police officers of free tasing per day. If you have some disposable income, a house in California is on the market for $500 million. Plus, a store in England has already put out Easter decorations.

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