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Episode 170 – Why Do I Have To Swim Naked?

A New Zealand tribe is ready to erupt over a Playboy model’s decision to pose nude atop a volcanic peak they believe is sacred. Meanwhile, the drug problem in Vancouver has gotten so bad it seems to have extended to pigeons. Plus, IRS phone scams have gotten a little more creative.

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Episode 169 – There’s A Show That Travels Well

Garry shares advice for a young listener headed out on his very first road trip. Meanwhile, a researcher is suggesting that office environments would be a lot more relaxed if employees engaged in some special extracurricular activities. Plus, the people in Flint, Michigan got another unwelcome surprise related to their drinking water.

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Episode 168 – Video Game Surgeons

Millennials do not consider themselves adults until they turn at least 30 years old, and some even older. Meanwhile, a Chinese engineer who was unlucky in love decided to create his own wife. Plus, a store is now offering a new pair of pants that’s a fashion statement most people should not make.

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Episode 167 – I’ll Stand In Line To Meet Jesus

A brewery is Scotland is giving people a week off when their employees have a new addition to their families, and not the kind you might be thinking of. Meanwhile, there’s been a strange rise in the number of phone scams lately. Plus, police in England had to be called when the opening of Dominos Pizza got a little out of hand.

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Episode 166 – Reviving Archaic Skills

The state legislature in Illinois is trying to require kids to learn cursive writing. Will they actually need it? Meanwhile, North Korea seems dedicated to trying to pick a fight and now Kim Jung-un may have missiles that can reach Hawaiian Islands. Plus, just when things couldn’t get any worse for United Airlines, they had a sudden, tragic death on a flight.

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Episode 165 – Tech Expert Dan Fedor

Technology expert Dan Fedor from Nauto joins Garry to share some news ways to avoid credit card fraud. Meanwhile, if you’re not dealing with identity theft but you have car trouble, the odds are no one will stop to help you. Plus, a man in India went through a lot of trouble to avoid going on a trip with his girlfriend.

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April 26th, 2017 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

Episode 164 – Miraculous Food Stuffs

United is watching it’s step after the dragging incident, but now American Airlines has had their own problem crop up. Meanwhile, a man believes he has found a Cheeto that looks like the Virgin Mary. Plus, South Koreans seem to have the opposite problem as many American these days.

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April 24th, 2017 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast
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