Hurricane Covid vs. Economic Dumpster Fire

March 22nd, 2020

“In this corner we have Hurricane Covid with an international record of 300,000 hit by Covid and around 13,000 dead. In the other corner we have the Economic Dumpster Fire 2020 claiming around 300+ million victims in the U.S. Let’s get ready to ruuuuummmmmmbbbllle!!” And this is the wrestlemania on nuclear steriods we’re all watching from our isolation pods. I don’t know about you but I have limited my viewing of news programs. Beyond the marching orders of “wash your hands, stay at home, if you do go out stay at least 6 feet from someone, and monitor your booze intake,” well that last one is my personal marching order, I don’t know what else I can do. Since we’ve never been through this science fiction/reality show before you may, like me, find yourself rearranging your rhythm hourly. Before 2 weeks ago when I would go to a grocery store my thought was, “where will I hide if a shooter comes in” and now it’s “where’s all the f’ing pasta!” All the stuff we worried about a month ago and consumed much of our day has been replaced entirely by what will life be in 2 weeks, a month, 6 months? One of the things I do when I’m anxious is vacuum. My vacuum cleaner is so white hot I have to operate it using oven mitts. And animals know things, our dog Flynn is constantly looking at us and I can just see the thought cloud above his head…”well y’all are in quite a pickle now aren’t you but you can make yourself feel better by rubbing my belly.” I have to say a pet right now is really a great sedative, they are a living breathing entity that has no idea what’s happening and that works for me. Here’s another way to relieve some anxiety, think of it this way, we are closer to either a vaccination or reopening everything than we were 2 weeks ago. Every day we are closer to coming out of this because everything can’t stay unplugged forever. At some point here businesses HAVE TO REOPEN, people HAVE TO GO BACK TO WORK! In the meantime I am going to crank up my bread machine and pour myself a glass of port or two and then in an hour everything I’ve just written here may have to be reassessed. Relax, as the cliche goes “we’re all in this boat together” and this time it really is true.

Gunga, galunga,

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