Strange Days

March 28th, 2020

Last week was the strangest week I’ve ever spent on this planet. Now I’ve had strange days, weeks, months, years personally in my life, we all have, but of course what is happening now is hyper strange on rocket fuel. I felt like the Tom Cruise character in the movie War Of The Worlds. One minute you’re operating a crane at a shipyard and an hour later you’re standing in an intersection with a bunch people staring at a large smoking divot. Suddenly there is movement under the divot and the next thing you know you and everyone else are running from a tripod originally from outer space that appears to be around 25 stories tall that just rose up out of the ground. However for some reason you don’t run very far because you’re curious and want to stare at this giant metal machine with spindly legs to see what it’s up to. Well what it’s up to is vaporizing everything in its path. And that dear fellow citizens is what it felt like last week only it wasn’t a movie. All you have to do is replace the alien vessels with covid 19. The big difference is you could see the tripods coming in the movie and if that wasn’t enough of a warning they had the common courtesy of blowing a loud horn right before they start vaporizing. I guess that’s the alien version of a reach around. Those kooky aliens. Now when I go to the store after I get out of my car I almost expect to hear a loud horn to warn me that covid 19 is coming and I should start running. But you can’t see or hear covid coming and everything is shut down and we’ve never experienced a landscape like this and we don’t know how and when it will end and…….and that is why last week was the strangest week I’ve spent on earth.
In the movie the Cruise character drives the only working vehicle which happened to be half a block from where he lived and if he didn’t find that van the movie would’ve only been 25 minutes long. He drives his two kids to his ex-wife’s home in some outer county. She’s not there and Tom offers to make his kids peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They decline the meal. One day you’re making pb&j sandwiches, the next day your clothes are lying in a heap on the street because you’ve been vaporized. I’m out of jelly. Wait, do you hear a horn off in the distance.

Gunga, galunga

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