April 14th, 2020 sound a roller coaster makes when it’s heading to that first drop, and then……..straight down you go and your stomach goes up into your brain pan and at around 80mph you go up and down some kind of hill and then usually into some kind of turn where your body is at a 45 degree angle from the ground.  Okay that will forever describe the month of March 2020.  The next part of the ride will often send you straight up what seems like a 90 degree incline and then break out to where you’re upside down and at that point just about everything that’s in your pockets will fall to the ground.  That second half of the ride will pretty much be April 2020 forever in my mind.  However at amusement parks all that twisting and turning and plummeting takes around 2 minutes.  Whatever this nightmare is that we’re in is going on for months!  There’s a reason I stopped going on roller coasters years ago.  For some odd reason I just didn’t like the feel of all my body parts being forced into sections where they didn’t belong and I don’t like being upside down while hurling through the air and going straight up and then plunging straight down in 45 seconds. That is, I thought, something my internal organs would not appreciate.  So here we all are on a ride we didn’t want to go on and it appears to be heading into a dark tunnel and we can only hope that  we come out of that tunnel soon and the ride will come to a quick stop. And when you walk away from those rides that whip the hell out of you don’t you always look back at it and say “wow, what the f..k was that” as you push your kidneys back into place.  This will be what we will always refer to as Covid’s-Typhoon-Beast-Banshee-Fury-Top Thrill Dragster-Wild Ride 2020.  Please, someone start playing Creedence Clearwater Revival behind all this.  “Faster, Faster?!”  Nooooooo!

Gunga, galunga

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