Adventures In Babysitting

February 13th, 2020

Have you noticed over the past years how a segment of society has decided that the rest of us should be their babysitter? I’m not talking about babies, the elderly, or sickly people who need to be attended to. I’m referring to able bodied mentally capable people who throw caution to the wind and expect someone else to bail them out. There’s a reason that ladder manufacturers starting putting warning labels on their product that stated “this ladder should not be used as a flotation device.” Obviously some stunods were trying to float on a ladder and I’m sure just coincidentally law schools were churning out lots and lots of lawyers which resulted in lots and lots of lawsuits. No doubt you’ve noticed the volume of TV commercials for lawyers which means they must make a good amount of money to run that many commercials. And the reason they make a lot of cash is because a lot of people are just plain stupid. I know some people have legitimate cases but c’mon. It really accelerated when someone sued because “hot coffee was hot.” So now when someone decides to ski in a restricted area or go hiking alone in the wilderness and something bad happens they figure someone will rescue them. Embedded in this group are the ones who take no responsibility for anything wrong that happens to them and seek out a lawyer to monetize their stupidity. Often these companies that are being sued have deep pockets and will settle to avoid lengthy legal wrangling. So the cycle continues. A recent example addressed on my show was a woman who went to the Tampa airport for a flight to Buffalo but got on a plane headed to Philadelphia. The plane had not taken off and she was able to catch her correct flight, no biggie right? Well she claimed that because she was with her 4 year old she may have been a bit distracted and that Frontier Airline should’ve said they were sorry and that this whole thing was a possible security breach, and blah, blah, blah. She’e not filing a lawsuit but apparently is looking to blame someone else because she wasn’t paying attention. So the next time someone takes a step ladder to the beach and uses it to surf some gnarly waves and said stupido takes the vigorous hug of Neptune to their demise, well bye bye now. It’s called bleaching the gene pool.

Gunga, galunga,

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