A Message From The President of December

December 19th, 2019

I was looking out my window recently as a gentle Thomas Kinkade type snow fell and while I really hate cold weather I have to say that winter does offer up some incredibly serene days. “Oh the silent majesty of a winter’s morn…the clean, cool chill of the holiday air….an asshole in his bathrobe emptying his chemical toilet into my sewer.” This month needs to be set aside to reboot and party as much as possible. We deal with crap for 11 months and it is necessary to cleanse during December, well by cleanse I mean flush your system with alcohol and then we’ll be ready to head back into the big bag of nonsense called life in January. And leave it to our government to F up this month this year with the impeachment proceedings. They couldn’t do this next month? Damn, who wants to think about all this when we’re getting ready for Santa and baby Jesus’ birthday? I have declared myself President of December and I officially set aside these 31 days at the end of the year to par-tay! Yes, all the way up to Ryan Seacrest’s rockin’ 23rd job on New Year’s Eve we need to relax our mind and gently float down stream. Is this too much to ask? Is it? I also would like to thank you for all your support this year, I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I enjoyed doing it. I along with Leslie would like to send Merry Christmas cheer to you and your family and then in 2020 we’ll begin once again to plow through all the nonsensical bullshit that life throws at us.

Shitter’s full,
Garry (Prez of December)

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