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GarrForce Premium Episode 5-29-18

More addendum’s to Garry’s “Taser Amendment” have come to the surface. Meanwhile, America’s barns seem to need some sprucing up. Plus, an Iowa town has come up with an interesting way to get people to visit their library.

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May 29th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-24-18

Garry thinks a lot of people must be sitting at home thinking of who they can sue to make millions. Meanwhile, a homeowners association has decided to enact a ban that seems like it will be difficult to enforce. Plus, Garry is on the look out for some positive news from India.

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May 24th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-22-18

Garry thinks the squirrel community may be out to get him after an incident on the road. Meanwhile, Garry had an experience riding in the Tesla that he worries may have literally been mind-bending. Plus, a roommate prank ended in a garage fire.

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May 22nd, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-17-18

There’s a new internet craze for parents to worry about, this one is called “The Fainting Game,” Meanwhile, a woman found a unique way to get back at a co-worker she didn’t like. Plus, twenty-five perfect of the population does not want to leave the house, and Garry can understand why.

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May 17th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-15-18

There are new details emerging about the woman who sent a man 65,000 text messages after one date that make the story even more creepy. Meanwhile, a psychic could not foresee her own arrest for fraud. Plus, another example of how you should not act when animals cross paths with humans.

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May 15th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-10-18

A nervous woman called the police on a pair of Native American teens on a college tour, and it’s not the only busy body misfire in the news. Meanwhile, the images of lava coming out of Hawaii are absolutely amazing, but one in particular stands out to Garry. Plus, a police department in Michigan is taking some heat for a practical joke.

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May 10th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-8-18

A Florida woman had a rude awakening when she felt something slide down her ear in her sleep. It turned out to be a cockroach. Meanwhile, two teachers in Florida are under investigation for handing out a unique punishment to a student. Plus, a man in England is missing his schnauzer.

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May 8th, 2018
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