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GarrForce Premium Episode 5-3-18

A pair of pelicans crashed the graduation ceremony at Pepperdine University over the weekend. Meanwhile, Dennis Rodman is taking some of the credit for the thawing of relations with North Korea. Plus, there’s something new to worry about, courtesy of a family aquarium in Texas.

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May 3rd, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 5-1-18

The White House Correspondents Dinner over the weekend generated some controversy, which seems to be the whole point. Meanwhile, schools are starting to get rid of analogue clocks because none of the kids know how to use them. Plus, a state trooper in New Jersey has been accused of using traffic stops as dating opportunities.

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May 1st, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 4-26-18

A woman in Texas was arrested at a local motel for biting off her boyfriend’s left ear. Meanwhile, Garry argues we need to re-think what we do when people are disrupting the traffic pattern. Plus, an Afghan war veteran is the world’s first recipient of a penis and scrotum transplant.

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April 26th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 4-24-18

A Colorado man has learned that hard way that he should probably spend as much time indoors as possible. Meanwhile, a Michigan family with 13 sons added another one on Wednesday, possibly ending the chances of ever adding a girl to the mix. Plus,
a woman was jailed for leaving her two children home alone while she was intoxicated at a Texas Applebee’s.

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April 24th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 4-19-18

Just days after Allegiant Air had to deal with questions about their safety, Southwest Airlines had their own emergency. Meanwhile, a woman in Indiana took her beloved pet to the local fire department for a very surprising problem. Plus, Starbucks has decided the incident in Philadelphia required special action nationwide.

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April 19th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 4-17-18

We all like cheap airfare, but over the weekend Garry learned it might be a good idea to pay a little extra at times. Meanwhile, a Starbucks in Philadelphia is taking heat for arresting two African-American men for spending too much time in the store. Plus, a fugitive on the run for years was discovered for a very surprising reason.

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April 17th, 2018

GarrForce Premium Episode 4-12-18

Mark Zuckerberg was on the congressional hot seat this week, and there were a few interesting takeaways that have nothing to do with Facebook or privacy. Meanwhile, a grandmother in Ireland is in court for sending obscene Christmas cards to her family. Plus, a New York police force has had enough of winter and they’ve decided to do something about it.

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April 12th, 2018
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