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Episode 715 – Dumpster Fire of a Year

Just in time for Fall, KFC has decided to bring back their chicken-scented fire logs while supplies last. Meanwhile, Hallmark Channel is already running Christmas movies and Garry is not happy about it. Plus, a piece of movie history is missing, although there’s some debate over how big a piece of movie history it actually is.

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October 28th, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

Episode 714 – Naked Gray Areas

A man in Oklahoma learned that a man’s home might be his castle, but when you’re outside you should still wear clothing. Meanwhile, a California woman had an impressive running feat when she was nine months pregnant. Plus, a North Carolina couple had a rude awakening from someone with a crossbow.

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GarrForce Live Cocktail Hour 10-23-20

Garry checked in with his old friend Eric the Undertaker for a pre-Halloween conversation about the funeral industry. Meanwhile, college students and farm animals don’t mix. Plus, Garry shares some antiquated language.

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Episode 713 – Stop Over-Sharing

One of the down sides of the internet age is that the embarassing thing you do in your lives will be out there for the rest of human history. Be sure to tune into the GarrForce Live Cocktail Hour this afternoon at 6pm ET!

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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October 23rd, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

Episode 712 – Monkey Knife Fight

Things have gotten even more strange than usual in India, where people are dying because of roving bands of fighting monkeys. Meanwhile, authorities in Florida have busted a massive flying squirrel smuggling ring. Plus, a man received some unexpected divine intervention when he fought off a bear that was attacking a woman.

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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October 21st, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

Episode 711 – Tech Reporter Dan Fedor

A listener sent along a story of senior citizens getting temporary tattoos. Meanwhile, a company is offering free wi-fi for 18 years if you name your child after them. Plus, Tech Reporter Dan Fedor joined Garry to talk about the biggest headline out there: He got a new cell phone.

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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October 19th, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast
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