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Episode 705 – Internet Entrepreneurs

In the digital age it’s easier than you might expect to make a little extra money. Meanwhile, people are taking their Halloween displays to the limit of social acceptability. Plus, people seem to be getting violent in Las Vegas.

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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October 5th, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

GarrForce Live Cocktail Hour 10-2-20

Garry and Leslie promise no one will want to mute their microphones like during the Presidential debate. There was some breaking news about President Trump just before the stream started. Plus, the crew discussed what the COVID outbreak has done to the tourism industry. Then the alcohol set in.

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October 2nd, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

Episode 704 – A High Speed Chase Is Not A Test Drive

A man in Utah decided it was a good idea to take a car 100 mph on a test drive. Be sure to tune into the GarrForce Live Cocktail Hour this afternoon at 6pm ET!

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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October 2nd, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

Episode 703 – Simple Solutions to Complex Problems

Authorities come up with all sorts of diplomatic ways of describing having to kill animals. Meanwhile, a haunted house in North Carolina unintentionally added an actual shooting to their show. Plus, a fight over cutting in line took a strange turn.

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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September 30th, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

Episode 702 – There’s Good Naked and Meth Naked

A man in Massachusetts learned the hard way that you should eat black licorice in moderation. Meanwhile, a woman isn’t letting the COVID outbreak keep her from making some creative Halloween costumes for her kids. Plus, subway workers in New York created their own underground man cave.

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Can’t Live Without” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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September 28th, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

GarrForce Live Cocktail Hour 9-25-20

Do you throw your spare change out instead of holding onto it for future use? Meanwhile, the controversy over drive-thru use continues. Plus, a story that illustrates the potential pitfalls of a home bowling alley.

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September 25th, 2020 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast
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