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Episode 149 – There’s No Good Time To Lose Your Hair

Garry learned about a strange condition that causes people to be scared of the idea of eternal life. Meanwhile, a four year old in England made a drawing of his mother that was a little too detailed for most people’s liking. Plus, someone in Washington state made a very unique donation to Goodwill that is sure to help the homeless relax.

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Episode 147 – Grandma Has The Munchies

A group of seniors is testing out Marjiuana edibles as a way to fight their pain. Meanwhile, catfish seem to be falling from the sky in Florida. Plus, in honor of the one year anniversary of the podcast, Garry introduces two people who help make the show possible: George Bliss and Keith Conrad.

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Episode 146 – The Gestation Period Of A Giraffe

The world is still waiting for April the Giraffe to give birth. Drivers in Colorado have been shocked to learn the height on their licenses might be inaccurate. Meanwhile, a boy in Denmark made a surprising discovery in a long lost German airplane that crashed on his family’s property during World War II. Plus, there’s a new high tech way to keep an eye on the elderly.

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Episode 145 – The Return of Airplane Blankets

There’s a lot of hate out there, but there’s a story about two five year old who show that we might end up being okay after all. Meanwhile, a restaurant in California has introduced the first burger-flipping robot, eliminating a few jobs for actual people. Plus, a couple of police officers in North Carolina are in trouble after a run-in with an Uber driver who happens to also be a lawyer.

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Episode 143 – Here’s A Picture Of Our Caskets

The news is starting to look like either a James Bond movie or a cartoon. Meanwhile, an Indiana man’s life may have been saved because hit the snooze button. Plus, proving that advancing technology is not always a good thing, a Japanese company may have ruined wet t-shirt contests forever.

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