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Episode 135 – Breaking The Legs Of Winter

As the nation recovers from Valentine’s Day, there were some truly disturbing gifts being given out. Meanwhile, an extraordinarily honest obituary for a man in Texas has gone viral. Plus, a man has decided it is a good idea to walk around Hitler’s hometown dressed as the Nazi leader.

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Episode 134 – The Castration Contributed To His Death

The nationwide epidemic of people taking “funeral selfies” continues unabated. Meanwhile, a surprisingly honest post to sell a car is taking the Internet completely by storm. Plus, speaking of national epidemics and cars, the makers of crash test dummies are having to make bigger ones, as the average American continues to get girthier.

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Episode 133 – A Winter Without Salt Stains

A new type of amusement park ride is getting a cult following because of the strong possibility of getting injured. Meanwhile, the east coast is getting hit by a big snow storm, but so far the midwest has had virtually no snow, which might put the snow shovel industry completely out of business. Plus, a drunk driver had a very unique explanation for why she could not be as drunk as police officers claimed when they pulled her over.

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Episode 132 – Cheetos Out For Harambe

Someone bid nearly $100,000 on eBay for a Cheeto that bears a resemblance to slain gorilla Harambe. Meanwhile, an Indian woman who woke up with a “tingling sensation” in her face ended up having a live cockroach extracted from her skull. Plus, Uber had hired a former NASA engineer to help finally bring flying cars to the masses.

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Episode 131 – Chicken Wings For Breakfast

A Chinese restaurant has started serving food on Barbie, something of a “Barbie Kabob.” Meanwhile, Garry had an extremely awkward moment when he went out into the field for an interview. Plus, a high school freshman in Ohio is already over seven feet tall.

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Episode 130 – Green Bay’s Major Exports

Just in time for the big game on Sunday, a new list looks at how rapid each NFL team’s fan base is. Meanwhile, a woman got kicked off of an airline flight because her attire or because she was drunk. There’s some dispute over the details. Plus, actor Johnny Depp seems to have a bit of a spending problem.

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Episode 129 – Tech Expert Dan Fedor

Garry learns about all of the amazing gadgets that made their debut at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas with technology expert Dan Fedor with Nauto. Meanwhile, Carrie Fisher had a special request for when her death is recognized at the Oscars. Plus, the renegade, drug kingpin-fighting President of The Philippines is back in action.

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