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Episode 128 – The Ultimate Compliment

Garry learns a valuable lesson on how people use doorknobs thanks to a listener. Meanwhile, a Florida man at a car wash was mysteriously separated from his pants. Plus, a man who was trying to help kill a buffalo at a meat packing plant was accidentally shot in the process.

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Episode 126 – No One Knows Whose Underwear It Is

A New Hampshire woman was arrested for driving 90 mph during a snow storm, but at least she had a good reason. Meanwhile, one of Garry’s most cherished daily rituals could ultimately do him in. Plus, a man in Japan let 160,000 people into an amusement park for free after he was intimidated by a previous guest who yelled at him.

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Episode 125 – Make Podcasting Great Again

Garry thinks that based on the look on Donald Trump’s face on Inauguration Day, he might already be having some buyers remorse. Meanwhile, recent new stories seem to be verifying Garry’s belief that animals are ready to take on a bigger role in our society. Plus, a cherished educational tool has outlived it’s usefulness thanks to the digital age.

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Episode 124 – Garry Wonka And The Chocolate Fountain

On the day Donald Trump is sworn in as the President of the United States, the most expensive house in the country is on the market for the low price of only $250 million. Meanwhile, tragedy has struck the family of Harambe. Plus, a new movie is generating a lot of outrage from animal lovers everywhere.

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Episode 123 – Why Can’t We Make A Good TV?

Apollo 17 Astronaut Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the Moon died this week at the age of 82. Meanwhile, a Michigan man was saved by his dog, who kept him warm after the man injured his neck and was paralysed in the snow. Plus, a musical act that was going to perform at an event in the inauguration has had second thoughts.

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January 18th, 2017 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

Episode 122 – Attack Of The Man Bun

Garry has noticed that antiquated technology that’s trying to make a comeback seems to congregate in the same place. Meanwhile, when Donald Trump is sworn in as President, he’ll have a brand new limousine to get him from Point A to Point B. Plus, just because the world wasn’t dealing with enough problems, there’s a new Super Bug in India.

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January 16th, 2017 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast
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