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Episode 114 – How Many Stunads Are Walking The Planet?

A woman tried to rob a bank with a fake mustache, but couldn’t afford a “real” fake one, so she drew one on her face. Meanwhile, there were a series of “Mall Brawls” throughout the country. Plus, a story involving a seal may be the first indication that the animal uprising has finally started.

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Episode 113 – The Real News & Fake News Are Blending

Garry has found yet another example of animals treating each other better than humans. Meanwhile, an Indiana woman found an unwelcome surprise in a box of cookies. Plus, a teacher decided to go to pretty extreme measures to make their class lessons exciting and relate-able to the kids.

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Episode 112 – Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah or Friday

Garry has noticed he has a problem suspending his disbelief in some movies. Meanwhile, it turns out the Christmas Carol “The 12 Days of Christmas” has a secret meaning that most people don’t know about. Plus, people are using social media to share their holiday experiences, which is just making things worse for the lonely people out there.

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Episode 111 – Nominative Determinism

Garry had a Norman Rockwell moment this week when he had a problem with his Christmas lights. Meanwhile, some of the Norman Lear sitcoms are being rebooted for modern audiences. Plus, once again a couple splitting up has ended up meaning a battle over the pets.

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Episode 110 – Drew Wasserman Explains “History Trees”

Garry meets Drew Wasserman, a graphic artist who works on the “History Trees” project. Meanwhile, a scientist has discovered what Garry has believed for a very long time: The animals around us are bored and could be put to work for the betterment of society. And by “Betterment” we mean “Our amusement.” Plus, it turns out snowglobes could kill you, if you just so happen to drink the contents.

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Episode 109 – Always Check Behind The Poster

Garry traveled to Santa’s workshop to record a special edition of the show, and you might notice the acoustics in the reindeer hangar are a bit different. The yearly holiday epidemic of people stealing the Baby Jesus from Nativity scenes continues this year. Meanwhile, the return of the McRibb at McDonalds could throw off the balance of the entire animal kingdom. Plus, it turns out there are millions of unclaimed scratch-off lottery tickets. As much as 40% go unclaimed.

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December 16th, 2016 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast

Episode 108 – Not A Tool User

“Noted Atheist” Rob Sherman died in a plane crash in the Chicago area this week. Meanwhile, the couple of from the show “Flip or Flop” is splitting up. If their love can’t survive, what hope is there for the rest of us? Plus, a man has come up with a unique recycling program to make a Nativity scene.

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