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Episode 986 – Wild Animals Are Wild

TSA officers found 23 weapons in an unidentified man’s carry-on bag at a security checkpoint at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Meanwhile, there’s already a problem with the James Webb Space Telescope. Plus, an argument over nude beach ettiquette led to a shooting.

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Merchandise” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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Episode 985 – Carwash of the Apes

Garry has a bone to pick with charitable organizations putting you on the spot when you check out at stores. Meanwhile, a man in Canada ended up getting separated from his cats and the airline’s response left a lot to be desired. Plus, a man decided to get first hand knowledge of what his cell phone tastes like.

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Merchandise” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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Episode 983 – Random Acts of Kindness

A woman in Kentucky won $146,000 in the lottery and used it to hand out gift cards to strangers. Meanwhile, an airbase in England had to shut down after their runway buckled because of the heat. Plus, a store that recently left us will be making a comeback.

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Merchandise” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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Episode 982 – Slurpees and Face Tattoos

A New Jersey man renovating his house found a wad of bills dated 1934 totaling about $2,000. Meanwhile, Garry has questions about where one would procure a penis-shaped cake. Plus, things are getting unseasonably warm in Europe.

Garrforce t-shirts and coffee mugs are now available by going to “Merchandise” on the website. Your purchase of these items is what keeps the podcast going. Plus, you can always email me garrymeiershow@garrymeier.com or leave a text or voicemail at 773-888-2157 Thank you in advance!

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July 18th, 2022 iTunes Podcast TuneIn Podcast Stitcher Podcast Android App Podcast iTunes App Podcast
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