Out Of My Mind

The Bizarro World of News Coverage

My thousand part series of criticizing TV news coverage continues with installment # 77. In the past I’ve pointed out this obsession with featuring a house fire every day or an emergency plane landing as often as they can on just about every TV newscast across the country but the bizarro world has really kicked […]

February 12th, 2023

What is the point of local TV news?

Let me ask you something. What is the point of local TV news? Here’s a format that delivers news, weather, sports, etc. today pretty much exactly the same way it has for the last 50 years even though the delivery system for that information has changed dramatically over the past 25 years. Ok, I know […]

January 17th, 2023

Mega Yachts

I just came across a Pinterest post showing dozens of pictures of “mega yachts.” I think “yachts” is much too modest. These are ships that are owned by the uber rich and rival military vessels in size. We’re talking..300…400…500 foot long penis extenders, er i mean luxury boats. What’s the dealio here, does one rich […]

December 31st, 2022

Holiday Catalogue Season

My mailbox is filled everyday now with holiday catalogues as I would imagine yours is. Most of these catalogues go right from the mailbox to the recycling bin. However, I do like to thumb through Sharper Image’s offerings and will share with you some of the more “interesting” items they are offering this year. There […]

November 22nd, 2022

The Odyssey of Landing From the Pandemic

Is it just me or has the exit from the pandemic been strange? I define the pandemic as the time when everything was completely shut down. The virus I feel will go on forever in one form or another. What is happening now reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode that aired February 24, 1961 […]

October 8th, 2022

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