Out Of My Mind

Tornado, Prom and Carnival Mishap Season

We have entered the tornado, prom, carnival mishap, and medical waste and face masks washing up on beaches season. Proms have returned this spring I know for sure because I read the story of the racist promposal on my show recently. Out of Minnesota students held up a sign that said “If I was Black […]

May 2nd, 2021

Leave It To Beaver

I’m guessing that you, like me, over the past year have been looking for anything or anyway that gives you comfort or escape. The obvious go-to elixirs to satisfy that itch would be food or alcohol but consuming large quantities of either over a year would probably lead to a greater depression than the pandemic […]

April 8th, 2021

Mass Shootings

There are currently two tote boards working this year, one, the number of people who have been vaccinated and, two, the number of mass shootings. Let’s talk about the latter shall we. Pure and simple I say STOP reporting them because now and actually for several years all it is is slaughter porn for TV […]

March 24th, 2021

Christmas Decorations In March

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, no I’m not quoting a line from Shawshank Redemption when the warden discovers the hole in Andy Dufresne’s cell. If you still have Jesus, Mary and Joseph in your front yard because you haven’t taken your christmas decorations down yet you might be a red and greenneck. What’s your major malfunction […]

March 13th, 2021

Perserverance and Ingenuity

Funny and sad how we take things for granted. One of the elements that will always make America great is our space program. We went from the Wright brothers to the moon in 66 years!! I’ll never forget reading about a New York Times reporter covering Orville and Wilbur testing their glider and then writing […]

February 23rd, 2021

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