When Did Things Go Wrong?
What was the moment when everything that followed said event was never quite right? There is a theory that things have been witchy ever since JFK was assassinated in 1963 so let’s start there. Have things never really been “normal” since that day in Dallas? Or was it the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.? […]
November 28th, 2020Time To Address the 800 Pound Elephant and Donkey in the Room
There is a theory claiming a parallel universe exists, also known as an alternate universe or alternate reality. It is a hypothetical self-contained plane of existence, co-existing with one’s own. Yes there could be another planet Earth out there and you and I are on that Earth II too. Now according to this concept on […]
November 15th, 2020Living in an a la carte society
I guess we now live in an a la carte society. For example, I was at the grocery store recently and the guy in front of me at the cashier was not wearing a mask and he appeared to be the only one in the entire store not wearing one. When he left I made […]
October 20th, 2020Pedestrian Flotsam and Jetsam
There has been a gap between blog postings this time around because over the past weeks all the topics that I initially was going to write about would’ve just added to the overall misery that has enveloped us over the past 7 months, and then I stumbled on an article in the New York Times […]
October 3rd, 2020E.T.’s Phoning Home But The Line Is Busy
Is the planet Earth the shithole of the galaxy? Let me explain. The National UFO Reporting Center directed by Peter Davenport reports that sightings are up 51 percent this year from last at this time. Five thousand sightings have been recorded in 2020. Peter says he’s been answering 25 to 50 calls a day and […]
September 3rd, 2020